Sunday, December 20, 2015


I don't just craft I try my hand at baking as well.  My latest that I've gotten into is been microwave fudge, just a little easier for me to try and do with two young kids under 2.  I'll list all the fudge I've made to date but my latest that I tried tonight was fudge made with Kool-Aid.  I had white chocolate chips that I had to figure out what to make with them.  The Pumpkin Cinnamon fudge wasn't a big hit with some people but one of my co-workers said it took care of his inner white girl.  I'll take it as a compliment.  So here it is:
12 oz. bag of white baking chips (or 1.5 cups)
14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk
1 packet of Kool Aid, whatever flavor you like

now the site I got the recipe from ( suggests cherry, I tried tropical punch (it was the only flavor I had)  I also mixed the chips and the sweetened condensed milk together instead of separately.  I don't know if it'll make a difference, but I'll try it both ways I have enough chips.  I mixed in the Kool-Aid at the end.  It's setting right now and I'll do an update with how it turned out.

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