Friday, December 11, 2015

Mason Jar Potpourri-take one update

So the aqua beads from the Dollar Tree did hydrate more from the liquid potpourri.  I moved them to a big jar so I could hydrate them all, it should be ready to go for the most part in the morning.  Just no fancy top. Which I can pick up tomorrow after work.  So I will give the jar to my sitter in the morning when I drop off the kids along with the extra liquid potpourri so she can rehydrate as she needs to.  I might have to find a way to do more with the jar as well so it's more decorative, though I think my sitter would be okay with it plain.

I still want to try it with the deco beads from Hobby Lobby and see how they work, I'll have to buy more liquid potpourri to try with them, so maybe I'll hold on to what I have and get the sitter a fresh one.  I'll add a picture when it's all done!

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